Friday, August 5, 2011

Brass Bands are Awesome. . . but So Is Justice

You know how your yoga instructor is like breath in, breath out, life is hard, breathing helps? And you are like 'fuck you perfect little bitch' and then you go home and listen to brass bands that tell actual stories that help rather than your skinny ass mother fucker at that expensive studio that keeps telling you to keep a zen fucking mind?

yeah, I totally relate.

Brass brands help with almost everything . . . and so does seeing an emerging neighborhood rap group give up too fast after being blasted by the sound engineer. Because that's what I have been doing for the past several weeks. I gave up. Too fast. And instead I should I have just said fuck you and kept on going, but I forgot that sometimes the people that are suppose to be friends just aren't. I should have known better. I should have remembered I was an American and people get out of my way! But I shouldn't have given up. (hint: you can't worry about people that say they are your friends that are just lying even if they are a huge part of your life and aren't going away any time soon) (hint2: I know you all know that, but I just remembered) (hint3: thanks for being patient with me all these years, I'm pretty naive)

So, today  (1) I hung out with someone that drove me to escalate (almost nonviolently), (2) I saw a neighborhood group give up after the second week of ONE sound engineer being an asshole, and (3) I saw a mother of 6 and the wife of an oil rig worker get arrested for demanding that BP clean up its mess. (hint4: no one from BP has been arrested for discharging 250 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico)

I also saw one of the best brass band shows of my life. It was the birthday of a former Stooges member who had been shot. It turns out I know all the words to "Fuck the Po Po" without knowing why it was written (hint 5: I'm the white girl in the all black neighborhood). Hello: I have trouble with the police, even if I am little white girl, so it wasn't a difficult weekly anthem to get behind. A member of the Stooges Brass Band was murdered by a cop in 2004. The group sings that song every week. Yesterday was the 7th anniversary of his death.

The Hi Ho Lounge is an amazing place to visit every Thursday and listening The Stooges sing Marvin Gaye's 'What's Going On' was a bit intense. Justin even was getting into it. (hint 6: Justin is a bit shy and often looks like he hates brass bands shows, even though I drag him there all the time and he tells me late he likes them. Justin is my cousin)

Then I got into a conversation with Titus, the dude standing next to me, we spoke on the side walk next to my car as the cop car lights flashed and I watched a man smaller than me get arrested by 6 NOLA cops. 6 dudes for a guy that was 5 foot and maybe 130lbs.  Titus and i spoke about St. Roche's and Washington DC's segragation. The fact that I'm one of the only white people on my side of St. Claude. And that the city is just not the same. Maybe for the better, Maybe not.

The bottom line of that conversation is that Katrina is alive and well. And so is the BP oil disaster. 

Cherri Foytlin was arrested Thursday August 4 by NOPD for demanding BP clean up its mess. To date, no one from BP has been arrested for discharging 250 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. 


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