Friday, March 28, 2008

The Witch Hunt

Arthur Miller is as relevant today as he was in 1850. There currently is a witch hunt in rural poor chemically contaminated towns all across the country, in fact the world.

Townspeople everywhere are savagely targeting weak corporate executives! Manipulating their higher educations and BMW's against them! How could people be so cruel, I ask you.

Or so says the Vinyl Institute's Vinyl News Service: "Environmental activists prefer to continue their “witch hunt” of vinyl/PVC, even though the facts supporting its use as a building product are readily available and should earn vinyl/PVC more serious consideration as a green building product, a vinyl industry executive said in a recent letter to a magazine for building materials dealers."

One thing about bullies that any kid with hand me down clothes and poorly cut hair can tell you; they get meaner when they get scared.

Oh yeah . . and they make shit up.

Just in case you didn't know, I mean why would you really, Greenpeace built a house in 2004 with Habitat for Humanity that was PVC free, because what we know that those bullies in the Vinyl Institute don't want you to know is that there are safer alternatives that don't harm communities or children that are even more vulnerable to chemical contamination than adults.

I think there is great change happening all over. In every community. We understand the consequences of our actions, though sometimes we're lazy and forget to bring a canvas bag with us to the grocery store or make up counter (yes i need an oversized bag for my glamour product purchases)but we get that the plastics bags come from somewhere, exist in our lives, and then go somewhere. It's that cradle to cradle philosophy that I think our communities need to embrace a little more.

So . . . for a while now I have been setting small challenges for myself to think cradle to cradle in my daily life. I am pledging to never go anywhere without an extra bag and always always turn down one time use disposable plastic.

No plastic water bottles, no plastic CVS bags.

1 comment:

Larry said...

Not sure if you have seen this - for when you visit your friend in Seattle in the near future.