Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Resurrection Day!

oh Cops for Christ . . . I had a neighbor growing up in Coral Springs, Florida that called my parents when I flipped him off. In classic Blanchard family style, they called me out of my room and questioned me about the incident and then started laughing. Surprise I didn't grow up in a house with much structure or discipline. He then later waved hello one Easter morning yelling Happy Resurrection Day. He use to hold Cops for Christ meetings at his house. s.c.a.r.y.

Anyways, sometime late last year I posted a blog about the differences between men and women in the workplace. I talked about how its common for women (or just me) to think that we are just lucky to be where we are, that we don't have any special talent or skills or that we've fooled the folks around us into believing that we do have talent or knowledge or skills. Completely the opposite of men who often times believe that every word out of their mouth is pure brilliance. Here is another good article from a Facebook engineer who is saying something similar.

And my favorite for the day about how people who have low effort thinking often hold conservative politics.

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