Sunday, March 28, 2010

Two Videos of Women Talking Climate Change

Annie Leonard, a former Greenpeace Toxics campaigner, released her first animation The Story of Stuff a couple years ago and recently appeared on The Steve Colbert Report to promote her latest release and discuss how our economic downturn is a good opportunity to re-evaluate how we prize possessions instead of protecting our communities. She just released The Story of Bottled Water on World Water Day.

Also, if you haven't seen The Story of Cap and Trade, you should check it out. It's a really good animated film about something you've been hearing on the news for a couple years, especially in relation to the US climate bill that was argued about in the Fall of 2009.

Speaking of women talking about climate change, Green For All has been celebrating Women's History Month and released this video of how women are playing a role in the new green economy. Green for All was started by Van Jones, you might know him from such moments as Republican Target Within the Obama Administration 2009. He was appointed by Obama to help find workable, innovation solutions to moving the US to a greener and more fair economy but resigned over vicious attacks from the far right.

In case you didn't know and haven't read Van Jones' book released in 2008, Green for All also has a campaign called Communities of Practice that joins together those working on climate change and finding ways out of poverty through green collar training. Read a little more about it.

Alright, I am off to another writing workshop that I'm hosting in the Pijp, that's where all the young hip kids hang out in Amsterdam. I do not live there.

Renee Claire

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