Tuesday, April 26, 2011

my brain today

Ben Franklin is giving away money: This fund was created with a portion of the investment proceeds from $5,000.00 left by Ben Franklin to the citizens of Pennsylvania, to be distributed 200 years later.

Desi is amazing!:
Rethinking Aerosol writing in the community

New favorite blues song:

"well, you got me wonderin' baby
who's makin dirty dishes with you?"

rain barrels and container gardening: I have 18 packet of seeds and enough found objects to start a pretty fucking big garden in my new backyard. i.am.scared.

My new place: Is big enough to rent out some desks for others that are working from home but might want some company. Do I do it? I also am planning out building the desks from old New Orleans front doors and homemade sawhorses. i.am.really.scared.

I built an awesome fundraising system!
I'm very proud. Now I feel prepared to raise tons of cash money for my organization, even with my tiny little brain thinking about rain barrels, container gardens and building french country rock and roll desks.

The citizens of Prince William Sound: Have a regional citizens advisory council to help with all things oil pollution/production related in the wake of the Exxon Valdez disaster. It started merely months after the disaster happened, I get eyes rolled at me when I ask for one in meetings on the Gulf coast. My tiny brain is confused.

Maybe sinking out of use oil rig platforms isn't good for the environment:
We should study that more. And maybe those new studies shouldn't be funded by the oil industry.

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