Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's Good to be Home

My neighbor Emanuel came over to say hi tonight. He asked me if I heard what happened to him the other day. Since he wasn't currently in jail I couldn't really think of what it was. He went on to tell me that my hat was going to be on an episode of Cops real soon. Turns out a woman that walks the block stole a hat of mine not too long ago (I think I know which one but I have no idea when or where she got a hold of it) then proceeded to set him up with an undercover cop only his brother got involved in the mix and was the one that ended up arrested. Nine patrol cars blocked the street and Cops was filming the whole the time. His brother is out on bail, my hat is still missing, but hopefully all the cop action will shut down the escalating drug dealing and prostituting that has been happening on the corner. And my house (and hat) are going to be on Cops!

Huey Long was kind of awesome.

If you haven't already seen the new Muppets movie, you MUST GO SEE IT! Listen to Fresh Air's interview with Jason Seigel. My favorite part of the movie by far is when the Chef's chicken's sing Ceelo Green's Fuck You . . .  all in chicken clucks. It's similar to my own meow rendition of the very same song but with less theaterics.

I have passive aggressive tomato plants. I abandoned them when the weather turned colder, then they fucking bloom. bitches.

Off to bring Georgia to the levee.


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